About the Association


The National Association of Road Builders of Ukraine is an independent public professional association of participants in the road construction, repair and maintenance of roads.

The Association unites on a voluntary basis the companies (or their representatives), which are directly engaged in road works, have an appropriate material and technical base, specialized equipment, and a team of specialists.


For the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, the largest domestic road companies, both with Ukrainian and foreign capital, have united to protect the interests of the national manufacturer and users of Ukrainian roads. The founders of the National Association of Road Builders of Ukraine are the companies that collectively occupy most of the road construction market of Ukraine, therefore our Association represents the position of the whole industry.

The Association seeks to create a full-fledged dialogue between the state and business, to effectively reform the industry with the participation of leading market players, to implement world standards and norms in Ukraine, transparent and efficient use of the Road Fund and local budgets, and protection of the national producer.

Principles and directions of activity

✓ The Association protects the interests of the national producer - companies with Ukrainian or foreign capital, which create jobs, production facilities and material and technical base in Ukraine, pay taxes in Ukraine, support professional education, implement important social projects.

✓ The Association is independent of state bodies, but aims to create a constructive dialogue with the state in order to find common effective solutions in the areas of market development taking into account the interests of the state, consumers and market participants.

✓ The Association does not promote the corporate interests of any of its members, but protects the national producer in case of unjustified pressure on it by the state structures.

✓ The Association is a not-for-profit union and does not provide commercial services.

✓ The Association conducts explanatory work among public and Mass-Media, sent to truthful illumination of range of problems of sphere of road building.

✓ The position of the Association is formed by consensus of its members.

The Association's management

Mykola Berezovskyi
The President
Oleksandr Boiko


Conditions for joining the Association

  1. The applicant may be a legal person registered in Ukraine
  2. The necessary qualifications in the field of road construction have been confirmed or related industries
  3. Formed a positive business reputation
  4. Absence of sanctions by the bodies of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
  5. Familiarization with the Regulation on membership in the National Association of Road Builders of Ukraine
  6. Filing an application addressed to the President of the National Association of Road Builders of Ukraine about his intention to join the Association

International cooperation

The National Association of Road Builders of Ukraine is a collective member of the PIARC World Road Association


The Association of Engineering Consultants of Ukraine
The Association of Cement Producers of Ukraine "Ukrcement"
ДП «ДерждорНДІ»
ОП «Укрметалергпром»
ГС «Національний експертно-будівельний альянс України»
Національне агентство кваліфікацій
АО «Адвокатська фірма «Сергій Козьяков та Партнери»
Інститут безпеки дорожнього руху
Конфедерація будівельників України
ГО «Академія будівництва України»
International trade fair on building, exploitation and projection of motor roads and bridges
State Enterprise "Road Scientific and Technical Center"